Socialism in America?

After reading The Plot Against America, I really did begin to wonder if such atrocities could ever happen here in our homeland.  My first reaction was “no way”. The American people would never sit by and let policies that take away our rights guaranteed under the U.S. constitution pass. However, after watching the clip of Glenn Beck and his speech on the socialist policies of President Obama, I began to wonder. It is true that Obama’s policies will raise the taxes on individuals who have worked hard and earn an income higher than that of the deemed “middle class”, and grant tax breaks to those with lesser incomes, a real life Robin Hood. However, isn’t that the opposite of capitalism? It seems to me that increasing taxes of the wealthy and lessening those of the poor to balance out the socioeconomics of our country is much less capitalist than it is socialist. But the majority of the American people don’t seem to have any complaints about such things. The middle class and the poor are content and the upper class too small of a minority to have an effect.  And so I wonder, could Glenn Beck be right? Could the ideas presented in The Plot Against America not be as far fetched as I thought?

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