Happily Ever After

Earlier in the week while discussing Separating, someone asked if the idea of divorce- being that more than half of all marriages end in divorce- has become cliche. I say absolutely not. While it is true that divorce is extremely common, I think most people think of marriage as their dream come true. My aunt recently got married and looking through the pictures all I could think was “awww”. Though it is sad to say, statistics say their marriage will end eventually. The thought however did not cross my mind. That is not what the general population thinks of when “marriage” is mentioned. Yesterday my mom called to tell me that one of my childhood friend’s parents are getting divorced. All I could think was, oh no. I always thought they were happy, that’s what society tells us marriage is like. Though divorce is common, the side effects of it are no less traumatic for those who go through it. We are raised thinking that marriage is forever, and while that may not be the case, happily forever after is still the cliche.

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