
The letter from Bishop to Lowell deals with the differences between figurative and confessional poetry.  It got me thinking… Why is it that we often classify things that are confessional as art?  What about upfront and candid speaking is considered poetry?  Perhaps the element of vulnerability and openness which allow people to see straight into the thoughts and feelings of the author bring an artistic element.  However, there is a fine line between what is considered artistic and what becomes crude.  However, often times photography and other forms of art are classified as too direct if nothing is left to the imagination.  Too much detail and obvious declaration can sometimes come across as obscene.  I began thinking about the other forms of art that get described as inappropriate because they are blatant and in your face.  However, I feel like generally poetry escapes that strict categorization.  It is perfectly acceptable for most people if a poem lacks symbolism and clearly states an idea.  But a photograph of a person or object without special care sometimes seems like exploitation.  What makes poetry the exception?  I don’t know that it can be pinpointed, but maybe that’s what Bishop was hinting at…

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